Today’s video was created for Tammy’s dad, a Senior Saint, who turned 90 years old in 2023. He was celebrated with this video collage of some of his life’s great moments. We are thankful to the Lord for him. Please enjoy this movie celebrating David I. Heisey, USAF SMSgt., Retired.
Why Senior Saints?
We hope that on this site you will find encouragement on your journey, whether you are a senior, or you care for a senior, or BOTH!
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Encouraging Seniors to grow with God and find fulfillment in Jesus Christ
Welcome to Senior Saints Ministry! We hope to encourage you in your walk with God, your family, your friends, and your world!
Helps for Daily Living
Sometimes life gets hard, we get tired and weary, and we forget our joy (among other things!) Let us offer help for you, in way of scriptures for your day, encouraging devotionals, and daily helps in many ways!
Books, Bibles and Gifts for your Encouragement
Senior Saints brings to you the ability to study the Bible, for yourself or with friends. Browse our Bible Study Guides, and other products that help bring light and hope to your world!
As Affiliates of Amazon and other online marketplaces, we earn commissions from purchases you make via links to products in our posts. We appreciate your support, and encourage you to explore some of the products we enjoy!
Mobility Scooters: So Many options
Now that we have had a few months to try our first motorized mobility scooter, we have learned about the various options available – TOO MANY!
Warm Glow
This time of year it is dark in the mornings. And chilly. The subtle glow of our little Himalayan Salt Aromatherapy lamp gives a glimpse of the light of a new day. With a few drops of Cedar Essential oil, it smells like fall, and I fall into my chair, ready to let...
Regaining my keys
Today there was a surprise. Not a good one either. It was advised that I surrender my keys. No longer is it considered safe for me to drive. Ah, but another surprise awaited - I was given a new set of keys, to my new "transport" - a beautiful 3 wheel mobility...
Hello, I am looking to start a bible study at our nursing home/assisted living center. I found on Amazon your book Senior Saints Bible Study ~ Give Thanks: Book 1 “Give Thanks”. I was wondering if there is a leader’s guide to this book?
Hello Konnie –
I had sent an email reply to you but did not receive a reply, and I am not sure you received it. The Bible study books include a leaders guide section in the book itself. They are extremely simplified, and may be just what you are looking for. If you send me your address, I could send you a free copy for your review! Our email address is
Blessings – Tammy and Karl Graham, Senior Saints